Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Adventure Day! Everything you've ever wanted to do in Costa Rica

There are so many fun adventurous things to do when in Costa Rica. Zip Lining is probably the most prevalent, but other things include hot springs, volcanos, horseback riding, rain forest tours, and seeing lots of cool wildlife.

Kelsey went to Guachipelín when her friend Emily was here a few weeks ago and said it was amazing. Julie, Nick, Valerie and I headed out to the Rincon Volcano National Park to the Hacienda Guachipelín. They have an Adventure Day Pass that lets you do pretty much everything outdoor and adventure related that you would want to do in Costa Rica.

It. Was. Awesome.

For only $85, you get to do all of these things: horseback riding, swimming in a waterfall river, tubing down a river with monkeys chasing you, zip line canopy tour with a tarzan swing and rock climbing, hot spring pools, mud baths, and they include a really great lunch with the whole thing.

You can start your day any time between 8:00am - 9:30am. We were there for almost 9 hours doing everything! If you are traveling to Costa Rica and want to do any tours, contact Mariana at info@youarecostarica.com - she has been amazing for setting up our tours.

Things to Know Before You Go:

  1. bring sunscreen and reapply often
  2. bring snacks - it was almost 2:00pm by the time we finished tubing and went for lunch. we were starving
  3. bring a waterproof camera for everything; bring a non-waterproof camera everywhere except tubing

About the Activities

Horseback Riding
This was just ok and my least favorite part of the day even though it was the first part. I didn't think the horses seems very happy, and they really wanted to run and trot. I haven't been on a horse since I went to Camp St. Croix with Nika Bachman in 6th grade. I like horses just fine, but it was a little scary. We stopped half way through at a beautiful waterfall. We got to jump in and swim in the really cool water. It was perfect since it was so hot. Bring your camera. We did not because we didn't know what was going on. Here's what you're missing. 

This was my favorite part of the day! We had awesome guides helping us down the river. It was about 5 kilometers for the whole ride and it took about an hour. It was part white-water rafting and part lazy river - does it get much better? It does. Halfway through the ride, we were at a lazy river juncture and we had a troop of 12 white-faced monkeys lounging in the tree above us. Julie was at the back of the group of 26 tubers and the monkeys started following us along. How cute! They have prehensile tails which is pretty bad ass.

We had a really lovely buffet of arroz con frijoles y pollo (rice with beans and chicken). They were chicken drummies! Yum. And we were really hungry. Kelsey was right - bring snacks. There was salad and dessert and this really yummy watermelon juice that we're pretty sure was straight up pureéd watermelon. So delicious!

Zip Lining - Canopy Tour - Rock Climbing = NERVOUS WRECK
I've always thought I was one for thrill seeking and adventures. I also thought I wasn't interested in zip lining while in Costa Rica. It turns out, if you haven't zip lined then you haven't been to Costa Rica. Plus, Valerie was super excited about this part! She had such a blast and all the guides were excited to show her around.

Here's what you need to know about zip lining if you've never done it: trust the guides, don't let go, stay balanced, and hope you don't die.

Our safety lesson

We went through a course of 9 zip lines, 1 Tarzan rope swing, 1 rock climbing wall, and 1 Indiana Jones Temple of Doom canyon-crossing bridge. It was just as scary as you are imagining it right now.

We went over tree tops, down waterfalls and through a canyon that you better keep your feet tucked in! Here is Valerie on the first zip line (this was the longest one):

I was terrified for the first one. Did you hear that god awful sound? After our safety lesson, I wasn't sure I'd be able to break when I needed to. And honestly...how does one STOP??? You don't know until you go your first time.

By the second one, I thought I had a handle on it. "This is kinda fun!" I stupidly thought...by zip line 6 I was shaking so bad from adrenaline, stress and terror that I wasn't sure I could continue. That's when the damn Indiana Jones Temple of Doom canyon-crossing bridge came up. No one told us about this. NO ONE. I like my expectations set, people.

This is how bad I'm shaking. I can't take a photo.

This isn't any better - with two hands. Still shaking.

So I am all alone now after the Tarzan swing just dying to be done. Only 2 more, the guides keep saying. I arrive to the last platform....and there is a ladder. It is rickety, it is wood, and I have to climb up it. This is how it goes down in my head:


OMG, I don't think I can do this. *deep breath* *deep breath*

I will do this. This is the only way out.

I'll cut a bitch. Get me out of here.

By the time I got past that bridge, I wasn't sure I could climb up the teeny tiny metal "ladder" if you can even call it that. "Just get me out of here" was all I could think. Finally I was there. I zip lined down to the last platform and thanked my lucky stars that I made it. I've never pushed myself out of my comfort zone this far before. Whew.

Canyon. Zip Lining. 

Do I look terrified? I felt terrified.

Hot Springs & Mud Bath
I don't really remember the ride to the hot springs because I was reeling from so much adrenaline from the zip lines. Once we got there, it was great. Super relaxing with a lot of pools and a cold spring running through the middle.

The big idea is to paint yourself with mud, let it dry, then sit in one of the waterfalls in the river and let it wash off...your skin will be super soft. :)

Best way to finish the day. All in all, I would totally recommend this adventure.

Pura vida


  1. I guess I'm going to have to come back and do this now!

  2. It was incredible! Yes, you should come back and do this.
