Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Learning to Live Simply: Only 1 Week Left To Go

I can't believe how fast 2 months goes by. It seems like I was just stepping off the plane with the warm tropical breeze in the face.

Every sunset here is so different from the next, and I've only missed a few. With the rainy season coming on, there are a lot more clouds which lend to intense colors and patterns as soon as the sun slips behind the horizon. Did you know it takes 2 minutes for the sun to fully disappear once it touches the horizon? Yup, I timed it because what else am I going to do for 2 months? :)

So Grateful For the Work I Do

I can't help thinking about all the things I've done since I've been here. I'm so grateful for the work I do that it allows me to do something like this. I have so much gratitude for my clients who have put up with some serious 1990s international-phone-call-lag, poor internet connections, and overall not getting mad at me every time they ask what the weather is like here. Sorry, but it's still sunny and in the 90s. Every. Day.

Learning Tico Time 

If you're familiar with Island Time, it's the same thing. UrbanDictionary defines Island Time as such:
The time vacuum created by the ocean's presence. Similar to stoner's time, everything moves nice and slow. This carefree aura even has the ability to travel with islanders and can engulf you in their presence.
I'd say that's pretty accurate. Learning to slow down has been very beneficial but also conflicting with my work schedule. But in general, things move slower here and it's a stark contrast to life in MN.

There's Only One Road to Get Where You're Going

One of the recurring themes while I've been here is that even if you don't know where you're going, there's only one road to get where you're going. And just trust that road will take you where you need to be. A fairly perfect lesson for life as well, don't you think? Thanks, Costa Rica. I needed reminding of this. :)

All the Visitors, All Different Mini-Vacations

One of my favorite parts about this experience has been all of the people who visited me. Each and every visit was so different from the next. I loved spending that vacation time with everyone and seeing how different "vacation" is to my friends.

Shawn's visit was a lot relaxing in the pool, eating Taco Star tacos, playing the hell out of NetRunner, cooking lots of yummy food, getting lost on the crazy roads to Arenal but realizing how worth it it would be once we sat in the hot springs, and celebrating his 40th with a joint on the beach. Pretty epic.

Nick, Julie and Valerie's trip can be summed up in one word: adventurous! What a treat to see Costa Rica through Valerie's 13 year old eyes. She's so full of life and excited about everything. We spent a lot of time at the beach, and I had the thrill of my life zip lining. Lots of boogie boarding and late night swims with our beloved Pilsen. And the introduction to Spa Day.

Maxine and Gisela's trip can be summed up in a totally different word: Drama. With a capital D. This was the week everything at the Beachouse broke, disappeared, and all around they just forgot people were staying here. Some stressful intrigues with the manager Rebekah put me really close to over the edge. And on the flip side of their trip, we had some really incredible food and saw some excellent live music. A lot of pool time and great music was perfect. Lots of late nights with Maxine (no is surprised there) were just what I needed to be reminded of home.

Poor Marta and Chris... they had a pretty rough go with Costa Rica. It was Semana Santa (Holy Week - when everyone in the country goes to the beach for a week) and Tamarindo was overwhelmed with tens of thousands of people more than there usually is. The quiet, calming CR I had told them about was hard to see that week. On top of that Chris got sick, and Marta flipped her ATV. I don't know how they made it out alive...oh yeah, Spa Day round 3.

With only 1 week left, I'm starting to make preparations for when I get back. I can't wait to get a proper manicure/pedicure. So silly, I know. Haircut, check. My hair has gotten really long for not cutting it in 3 months. When to pick up the Jellster (I miss her a ton). The ABF event on May 1 is quickly approaching too!

Living Simply

Overall, I've learned to live simply while here. I brought very very few things with me, and I wasn't sure how that would work out. Would I be missing anything? Did I bring too much? Turns out, I brought too much for the most part. And I forgot some key things (AUX cord for the car, duh tunes), but all my friends were quick to ask what I needed and before long I didn't need anything else. Just some quality time with friends and family.

Spring Cleaning has a new meaning for me this year. I have so much clutter in my house that's been accumulating. That will be resolved this year. All those things I've been holding on to for who knows why will be getting tossed.

And finally, work. I worked way too much while I was here. I don't normally like working 40 hours a week even when I'm in Minneapolis, but I had way too many 10-hour days here. Granted, that allowed me to have a few days off to spend with my friends. But overall, I had too many projects going on while here. I'll keep that in mind as I get back to Mpls and skim the fat. Life is just too short to spend a lot of time working.

Looking forward to seeing all of my friends and family, and looking forward to meeting new people (you know who you are).

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